Friday, July 24, 2009

Psalm 60 - So great a majesty speaks to you...

AELW 10:286

"God has spoken in His holy place. I think it is the first grace and a marvelous honor from God when it has been given to someone so to read and hear the words of Scripture as if he thought he was hearing them from God Himself. How will not such a person feel all his hair stand on end when he thinks of it that so great a majesty is speaking to him? Thus Job 26:14 reads: “And when we have heard scarcely a drop of His Word, who shall be able to behold the thunder of His greatness?” But we read and hear that Word so sluggishly, as if it were offered us by sheer accident or without anyone behind it. And we neither see nor feel how great He is who is speaking. Hence the church deservedly claims this happy boast in saying, “God has spoken in His holy place.” And therefore I will rejoice, he says, since the Word of God is a good and excellent word."

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