Friday, April 11, 2008

The Church

AELW 4:34

"Therefore the true church of God is the one which does not misuse the name of God but hears and keeps the Word of Christ, that is, believes the promises. When I hear its name, I prostrate myself in true humility and worship it, for I am sure that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit dwell in it. But when those who do not keep the Word of Christ but persecute it and walk in their self-chosen forms of worship adorn themselves with the name “church,” then the word which by its nature has only one meaning becomes equivocal.
Therefore just as it would be folly to be afraid of a painting of a man drawing a sword, so it is folly to be frightened by the name “church” when it is used in a blasphemous manner; for it is merely the picture or mask of the church. But the true church is where Isaac, the son of the promise, is. There the name of God should be feared. There is our salvation and our strength, as the psalm says (Prov. 18:10): “The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous man runs into it.”
In short, where the Word of Christ is and is kept—that is, believed—do not be in doubt about the church, even if he who either administers the sacraments or teaches is godless and a blasphemer. “For the Word of the Lord, like rain, does not return empty” (Is. 55:10–11)."

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