AELW 12:72
"Consequently you should simply put out of sight whatever has to do with religious practice and rites, even those which God instituted through Moses. For this new King has come, and a new service will also be established accordingly....
...I usually distinguish these two aspects for myself in this way: the “worshiping” is done by a man converted to God, but the “serving” is done by a man sent by God...
...For whoever worships, falls on his knees and shows signs of submission. This is a sort of passive service; in turning to the Lord this way in firm faith in His mercy for Christ’s sake, he receives forgiveness of sins and is justified. And after he has thus been received into grace, he goes out from God, turns to men, and carries out the commandment of God pertaining to the service of men. Now that he has been justified by faith, Paul does just works, that is, he fulfills his duty by teaching; the pious official by governing; the head of a family by working. And so they serve God. They certainly do not do what pleases them, like the monks, but what God commands....
...To serve God, therefore, is nothing else than to do what God demands and to acknowledge this as the obedience owed to Him."
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