Thursday, August 6, 2009

Psalm 71 - In sickness and in health...

AELW 10:398

"But as for me, I will always have hope;
I will praise you more and more."
Psalm 71:14

"14. But I will always hope, even when they seek evil for me. Hope is easier in good times but more difficult in bad times. Therefore only a saint always hopes, always blesses, like Job. The next words express the same truth: I will add to all Thy praise, as if to say: “I will praise Thee not only in good times, when there is material for total praise, but also in bad times, when there appears to be no material for praise, except for those who live in hope and in the present evil and visible things see and hope for invisible things at the same time. One who does not see such things, but sees only the present, cannot praise God except in good times, for he does not know what evil is and what it is for. Therefore he cannot add to all praise like the one who hopes. Such a one knows that these things happen not only not unjustly but even serve a useful purpose, which those people do not realize. Therefore he continues:"

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