AELW 5:21
"I only hear sermons, read Scripture, and make use of the sacraments. I have no appearances of angels.”
To which Luther replies...
To which Luther replies...
"I answer: You have no reason to complain that you have been visited less than Abraham or Isaac. You, too, have appearances, and in a way they are stronger, clearer, and more numerous than those they had, provided that you open your eyes and heart and take hold of them. You have Baptism. You have the Sacrament of the Eucharist, where bread and wine are the species, figures, and forms in which and under which God in person speaks and works into your ears, eyes, and heart. Besides, you have the ministry of the Word and teachers through whom God speaks with you. You have the ministry of the Keys, through which He absolves and comforts you. “Fear not,” He says, “I am with you.” He appears to you in Baptism. He baptizes you Himself and addresses you Himself. He not only says: “I am with you,” but: “I forgive you your sins. I offer you salvation from death, deliverance from all fear and from the power of the devil and hell. And not only I am with you, but all the angels with Me.” What more will you desire? Everything is full of divine appearances and conversations."
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